Make the Global DDG Shipping Process Easier

In the last few years, demand for dried distiller’s grains (DDG) has exploded around the world, with U.S. exports of DDG increasing from 5 million tons in 2009 to more than 11 million metric tons in 53 countries in 2021/2022, according to the U.S. Grains Council.
Mexico is the largest importer of DDG currently, and Vietnam is the next largest, followed by South Korea, Canada, and Indonesia.
More Congestion as DDG Demand Increases
As more countries purchase DDG as a feed ingredient, more feed mills, rail yards, and shipping docks will need to manage the unloading of DDGs safely, quickly, and efficiently so that products arrive on time, on budget, and without contamination. DDG settles and compacts during transit creating issues with the unloading process. To hasten the job, workers may use sledgehammers, shovels, jackhammers, and other tools to break up the contents inside the railcar. This can create unnecessary damage to the car, potentially contaminate the product and create safety hazards for employees.
But demand for DDGs is only going to increase globally.
ENTER: the CARHOE™ Hard Car Unloader.
Sarka’s CARHOE™ Hard Car Unloader address these challenges employees face around the world. Carhoe makes unloading products like DDG, corn meal, corn gluten pellets, coal, coke and aggregates faster, easier, safer and more profitable.
Watch this video to see how it works: The Carhoe DDG hard car unloader
CARHOE is a Total Solutions Provider
Sarka has provided rail car unloading solutions for facilities in multiple countries. Carhoe reduces employee turnover, work-related injuries, and makes the unloading process more efficient. Learn more about how the CARHOE can benefit your business and get in touch today.