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Move your load with less when you have a

CARHOE™ hard car unloader

Move your load with less when you have a

CARHOE™ hard car unloader

carhoe hard car unloader

It’s Time to

Count the Cost

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    How many employees does it take to empty out the material that remains in a railcar? More than two?

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    How long does it take to get it done?
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    How many workers burnout on the job, leave, and have to be replaced?

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    How many close calls in a railcar have made you lose sleep over your crew’s safety, their livelihood, and their families?
Carhoe in use
Carhoe in use

CARHOE™ Cuts the Costs

Reduce Cost


The Sarka CARHOE™ Hard Car Unloader reduces your labor cost and drops staff turnover, saving you precious time and money.
reduce safety risks


The CARHOE™ takes the brunt of labor and makes every job safer for your crew, keeping people out of the railcar and out of harm’s way.

reduce damage


The CARHOE™ is specially designed to break up DDG (dried distillers grains), corn meal, corn gluten pellets, coal, coke and aggregates, in rail yards quietly and without damaging railcars.

Sarka’s CARHOE™ Hard Car Unloader

Gives Your Rail Yard the Advantage

  • Specially engineered to unload DDG (dried distillers grains), corn meal, corn gluten pellets, coal, coke and aggregates, faster, easier and safer.

  • Proudly manufactured in Tiffin, Ohio, USA

  • Successfully field tested for years

  • Quiet operation with proven low impact on railcars

  • Thirty-eight years of experience in custom fabrication

carhoe logo with shadow
white carhoe logo with shadow

Find out what the CARHOE™  can do for your business.

Get in Touch

Please provide the information below and a member of the Sarka team will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can support your operations.
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